Currently, North Bank is implementing changes that were in the hopper for a number of years. Our organization is very excited for what comes next.
The first major change is to focus the gallery on supporting our artists better by providing more opportunities for sales. In March and April, the second gallery provided space for member artists to exhibit in a sales-focused show that complimented the solo artists in the front gallery. Many months this year will be focused on audience engaging shows that are not sales-focused, but balancing both sides of the equation is a commitment we make to our artists and community. A new face is our customer service person Aryn, who is a friendly and welcoming presence. She can answer almost any question you have about the show and our gallery, and she will follow up with anything she couldn't answer straight away. Also, North Bank Artists Community Project is our legal name, but it's a mouth-full. Consequently, we have decided to shorted it to North Bank Artists for doing business. A new logo is being developed that will highlight this change. North Bank Artists will continue to insist on artistic integrity, creative proficiency, and professionalism with its member and guest artists. Connecting with our community and including students and guests in our vision by providing high quality artist talks and educational programs will also continue. North Bank Artists is committed to living up to the original vision of its founding members and even expanding on that vision. Please join us while we explore the possibilities.
July 2015